Launch options for CS:GO are the special commands that can be used by any player to enhance the gameplay. These commands affect parameters ranging from tickrate and FPS to different network settings and gameplay itself. These commands execute automatically every time you launch the game.
First, let’s take a look at how you can change the launch options
• Launch the Steam and right click on CS:GO in your Library.
• In the dropdown menu select “Properties”.
• On the “General” tab that opens up by default at the bottom you can find the “Launch options” and the empty field. We’ll be entering the options into this field.
Remember that most of the commands start with a dash or a plus and without any punctuation and just the space in between. After entering all the commands you want just close the properties window and launch the game.
There are a lot of different parameters that affect different aspects of the game.
What parameters pro players often use?
Here are the most popular ones (these are the ones that almost every pro player uses):
- -novid - disables the cinematic on the game launch.
- -console - enables the in-game console
- -freq # - screen refresh frequency (for example, -freq 144)
- +exec “filename” - automatically executes the filename config file on game launch
- -high - launches the game with high system priority
- -low - launches the game with low system priority
- -full - launches the game in fullscreen
- -w # - sets the screen resolution by width (-w 1920)
- -h # - sets the screen resolution by height (-h 1080)
- -language english - launches the game in English, this command overrides your Steam language
- +rate 124000 - sets the maximum amount of data that the host can accept (in bits per second)
- +cl_cmdrate 128 - sets the maximum amount of packets sent to a server per second
- +cl_updaterate 128 - sets the maximum amount of packets requested from the server per second
- -tickrate 128 - sets the screen refresh frequency from server per second
- +ex_interpratio 1 - sets the automatic detection of interpretation (network parameter)
- -noforcemspd - allows you to use the mouse pointer speed from the Windows settings
- -noforcemaccel - disables the mouse acceleration
- -noforcemparms - allows you to use the Windows mouse button settings
- -threads # - sets the amount of processor cores used in game (-threads 4)
What are the best launch options for CS:GO?
Increase your rank, win rate, and KDA in CS:GO

Is quite a common question. As a matter of fact, there is no such thing as a perfect set of options and every player has to find one that would suit his situation the best. However, there are several sets of parameters that can positively affect your gameplay that are useful in most situations. Here they are:
The best launch options in 2022
-novid –console -tickrate 128 +fps_max 400 -nojoy
This set of parameters is universal and can be used in most modern computers.
The best launch options for high FPS
-novid -console -d3d9ex -threads 4 -tickrate 128 -noforcemparms -refresh 120 -high +cl_updaterate 128 +cl_cmdrate 128 +ex_interpratio 1 +rate 128000
This set of parameters is perfect for older PC’s. It makes the game use all the resources available to it and disables various unnecessary options that might negatively affect FPS.
The best launch options for low ping
-novid –console -tickrate 128 +fps_max 400 +cl_cmdrate 128 +cl_updaterate 128 +ex_interpratio 1 +rate 128000
In order to minimize the ping during the game we’d recommend to use this set of parameters. It helps to reduce packet loss and increases the speed of data exchange between your computer and the server.
The following parameters would help you smooth the gameplay on the newer monitors with high frequencies like 144 or 244 hz:
144 hz -novid -console -freq 144 -w 1600 -h 900 -threads 4 -high
244 hz -novid -console -freq 240 -w 1600 -h 900 -threads 4 -high
And here are the launch options of some of the best CS:GO players in the world:
-novid -freq 144 -noforcemparms —noforcemaccel -noforcemspd
-novid -freq 144 -noforcemspd -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms
-novid -freq 144 -tickrate 128 -noforcemspd -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms
-novid -freq 144 +rate 128000 +cl_interp 0.01
-novid -tickrate 128 -freq 240 +rate 128000 +cl_interp 0.01
-noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -noforcemparms -freq 240 -novid -console -tickrate 128