SCOPE.GG LOGOUnion between logos

We'll show how good you are and how to get even better in CS2

We’ll automatically upload your matches and show the moments you’ve carried, record the clips of these moments and tell how to improve your skill

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How will we help you?we'll track, record and show your progress and stats after every match

How will you do it?

we'll automatically record, upload and show your best moments of the match

Get all the highlights from your matches, including clutches, aces and multi-kills without downloading any software

Steam notifications

we'll remind you on Steam about the main events of the match 2 minutes after you finish it

highlights & mistakes

we'll show what's keeping you from winning more often

By summarizing your mistakes and showing how to avoid them in the future

demo match review

we'll show what happened in "that one round"

By reminding you of every moment of the match — we'll upload it and show positions, timings, line ups and pushes

CS2 player stats

we'll show how much you've improved

By analyzing your matches and showing the exact points that got better or can still be worked upon


compare yourself with your friend

Are you better than your friend or a toxic teammate? Compare yourself with them and find a solid proof!

match history analysis

we'll show how much you've contributed to the win

Find out who's contributed the most to the match

default grenades

we'll show how to be useful to the team in every round

Find the key grenades for every competitive map in two clicks

They trust our analytics:
Lo que dicen de nosotros:
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Únete a nosotrosel conocimiento es poder

  • Astep

    Crear una cuenta

    utilizar Steam o FACEIT

  • Bstep

    Danos acceso a tu historial de partidas

    De esta forma podremos analizar tus partidas justo después de que termines Los jugadores de FACEIT se pueden saltar este paso. Los datos correspondientes a sus partidas se actualizan automáticamente.

  • Cstep

    Mejora tus habilidades y gana

    Analizaremos tu juego para que saques todo tu potencial

Useful information about CS2:

FACEIT CS2: Beginner's Guide
How to watch DEMO in CS2/CS:GO? Guide by SCOPE.GG
Best Graphics Settings for MAX FPS in CS2. Ultimate Guide by SCOPE.GG
Mouse acceleration in CS2. Complete guide by SCOPE.GG
What is SCOPE.GG?
What stats does SCOPE.GG track?
Can SCOPE.GG track my Faceit matches?
How can I watch my CS2 demos with SCOPE.GG?
How can I improve my CS2 skills with SCOPE.GG?
Is SCOPE.GG free to use?