A fresh update in CS:GO brought several significant changes to the competitive map pool and some weapons' characteristics.
What's new?
— Anubis replaced Dust II in the Active Duty. Dust 2 will still remain available in Matchmaking & FACEIT.

— AWP magazine size reduced from 10 bullets to 5.
This change will add some difficulties for snipers on each side. Now it is necessary to think more carefully about your next shot, so as not to be left without bullets when spotting an enemy.

— Reduced the M4A1-S range modifier from 0.99 to 0.94.
Now at some distances you need to hit one more bullet to kill an enemy.

SCOPE.GG promptly added a new map, so you can watch the 2D replay, learn about your mistakes, and take a closer look at other useful statistics on the site right away. Anubis is also avalaible on a Tactical Board. So, check it out!

Good luck on the server!