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How to choose a good gaming mousepad? Guide by SCOPE.GG
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How to choose a good gaming mousepad? Guide by SCOPE.GG

Jay Rose
Jay Rose
5 min

The choice of the mousepad is no less important than the choice of mouse. Manipulator control depends on the quality of your mousepad, which will be a significant factor in case of control and shooting.

What to look for when choosing a mat? The SCOPE.GG team will help you choose the best one for wins!


Mats have 3 main criteria that you should pay attention to when buying: covering material, base material and size. They are all equally important.

Gaming mousepads

A good mousepad will only help you develop your personal skills in the game and start playing even better. Upgrade your skills with SCOPE.GG.

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There are many materials from which mat can be made. Rubber and plastic are common, metal and glass are used quite rarely.

Pros of each material:

  • Rubber or rubberized fabric is the standard material for a mat, most gaming mousepads are made of such a component. Rubber mats have a good grip on the surface and protect the hands from damage, but most such mats have problems with positioning accuracy. Rubber is a budget material, so rubber mats are the cheapest and most affordable for all categories of gamers. Despite the budget, rubber mats are the most pleasant on the tactile sensations;
A4Tech Bloody is pretty cheap and popular among players
  • Plastic is a harder and smoother material, making the mouse move faster on it, as well as the accuracy. The cost of plastic mats is usually slightly higher than ones that are made of rubber, but the difference is not critical. The main thing is durability. Plastic mats wear out faster than others, can start to crack after a short time after use;
Razer Sphex - classic plastic mat
  • Aluminum - mats made of such material are thin, do not bend and are famous for durability. It should be in your mind that such mousepads are unpleasant to touch the skin and they are significantly more expensive than rubber and plastic analogues;
This is how Xiaomi aluminum mousepad looks like
  • Glass - glass mats are good because of their sliding characteristics (properties are constant due to the smooth texture of the surface and its increased wear resistance, while the slide is very easy) and easy cleaning. When playing on a glass mat, it is important to keep its surface clean, otherwise the mouse slide will deteriorate and become uncomfortable to play.
Glass mousepads are expensive, but some of them definitely worth it just by the look of them


By size mats are divided into 4 categories:

  • Small (S) - 240x290 mm. The game surface of this size will not be suitable for players with low or medium sensitivity of the mouse - there will not be enough space for full rotation around the axis of the game character. Such options make sense to consider only if you play a very high sensitivity;
Small mats are comfortable for casual use, but not for shooters
  • Medium (M) - 300x360 mm. With a medium-sized mat there are more options for mouse sensitivity, but they are still very limited. The medium size will not give the opportunity to exhibit a low sense - you can try, but the game will still be uncomfortable;
Better choice for gaming, but still uncomfortable for lowsens players
  • Large (L) - 420x500 mm. Large-size pads are great for shooters, because no matter how sensitive the mouse is, the surface will always be grabbed. Such mats are most popular with professional players and this size is considered the most optimal;
This size is most popular because it does not matter what sens you will use
  • Desktop (XL) - XL mats do not have certain sizes, often they occupy the table completely. An original variant that takes over all the pros of surfaces of large size, but for some players may seem too uncomfortable to use due to its size. XL mat is more likely to be dirty after a short period of time.
Desktop mousepads might be uncomfortable for some players to use, but you can not deny the fact that they look great

Cover types

By type of cover mats are divided into 3 types, but this gradation is not used for most materials;

  • Speed - a cover with a perfectly smooth and smooth surface, due to which such mat has low resistance to movement. Designed for those who care about the reaction speed;
  • Control - high resistance cover, making the movement of the cursor across the screen the most accurate. Such mats have a soft cover, so the movement will be smoother than on other mousepads;
  • Speed + Control is a universal variant, suitable for most tasks.

Best mousepads in 2022

Among the variety of models, professional esports players have noticed several models that are used by most of them. Models which are popular among pros should be noticed - to become the best, you need to learn from the best and follow their example.


One of the most popular fabric mats. Any device from Zowie is characterized by its simplicity and high quality, mats are no exception: the soft base of 100% of rubber has no foreign inclusions, so the mat is perfectly fixed on the table and provides good interaction with the game controller.


HyperX Fury Ultra

One of the most versatile gamer mats. The Fury cover is made of polymer plastic - this material contributes to fast and accurate cursor movement. The relief surface of the rubberized layer allows the mousepad to cling to the table so that it does not slip during play.

RGB illumination is a pleasant visual addition to the model, but does not have any practical value, so it does not make sense to consider it a clear plus.

HyperX Fury Ultra

Steel Series QcK

The Steel Series carpet is a decent model that is used by professionals. The model has a very thick cover and high-quality textile base, so that the cursor moves on the screen as quickly and accurately as possible.

SteelSeries QcK

When choosing a mat, look at the cost required for your playing habits, size and material surface. The combination of these factors will allow you to choose the surface on which to play the most pleasant, and your results will be much better.

Good luck!

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